How to Convert Html to PDF in C#.NET Code?
PDF (Portable Document Format) is widely used file format developed by Adobe. Adobe want to develop file format which is not dependent of any hardware, software or operating system, to represent the document which include images and texts and PDF file format is invented. PDF displays same on Windows, Linux, Mac of any other operating system so, it’s preferred format to transfer information like legal and research work. As a .net developer you encounter numerous occasions where you want to convert your one file format to another. Like if you are building one web application, which generate invoice and send to client. You cannot send directly your programming language file to client so; you generate HTML file. Now before sending to client you want to make it as PDF as you don’t want your client to change anything inside invoice. So, you require to generate HTML to PDF. This is just one scenario, there are plenty of another scenario for this. We also have similar requi...