Why ASP. Net is getting more popular for web application development?

ASP.NET create the web application, services and dynamic content-driven website which allows by the developer. It Is an open source, server-side web application framework created by Microsoft that runs on the window frame of ASP.NET Development 3 Types of ASP.NET application development Web Pages: Web pages can be created by less time and minimal coding attempt by using ASP.NET through Rapid web Application development. For developers, PHP with HTML practice makes helpful like this types of ASP.NET web app development Web Forms: Web forms need less coding than MVC pattern and it becomes useful for building a dynamic type of ASP.NET DEVELOPMENT. It also gives more control to the programmer and small and fast performing ASP. Net Web Application Development MVC: ASP.NET Technology has one of the benefits of Microsoft. It's based on MVC architecture. MVC architecture makes application simplex to build on ASP.NET. It will be easygoing f...